Wednesday, February 4, 2009

An Introduction

So here is my first post, finally. For a long time I've been debating starting and maintaining a blog or two, but having since made the decision to detox cold turkey from Suboxone in the near future, I feel in my heart it is my duty to share the tribulations and the ultimate freedom from Suboxone, once and for all. I've been on Suboxone coming on 3 years and I am just sick of it.

This drug, combined with Lexapro has made me an emotionless person and I cannot function in a relationship, as anyone who is not in my situation, does not understand me inside. Deep in my heart I know I am concerned about so many things, yet the drugs give me a type of apathy towards life and it's occurrences. I want to be me again, to feel alive, human.

Antidepressants have controlled me for a decade now and I am really feeling the long term effects hitting me. These include but are not limited to an almost permanent Parkinson like tremor, sometimes in my speech but mostly in my co-ordination. Sometimes worse, sometimes hardly noticeable but always there. I could easily develop anorexia as a result of Suboxone/Buprenorphine. At 12mg per day I never feel hungry and I only eat to feel 'normal'...whatever that is anymore I don't know but I plan to find out soon!

I want to reach out to those on
Sub and share my experience and encourage others to share their Suboxone stories. When I jump off of Bupe, I will document it all and share everything with you, the reader. This is the aim of my blog and when the time comes to move to the country, I'll take my beloved cats, my computer and wireless internet, plenty of pens, pencils and notebooks, and not much else. This is going to be living off the land, so to speak. No luxuries where I am going.

Perfectly though there are lots of gardens and vegetables I'll have to grow, and a 4 acre block to maintain to keep me occupied whilst I'm detoxing once I'm capable again of walking. 400 rose bushes needing pruning too! I need to be alone to go through this detox as I will be intolerable to anyone near me during withdrawal, all attempts at help make a withdrawing person mad with rage. Especially me.

This is my time to reconnect with humanity, reclaim my life and shout, FUCK YOU SUBOXONE!

Love life!


  1. May I ask, were you put on suboxone for opiate addiction or is suboxone your drug of choice? I was addicted to painkillers beforehand, so suboxone addiction to me is a huge step down from the way I was before.

  2. I was a codeine fiend. I took 1200mg's daily as it so easy to get in Australia. I also took a lot of oxycodone, morphine and loperamide but at the end it was only codeine. Never took Heroin...
